this Wednesday I will be starting my internship with Amber Smith, so I wanted
to share things I learned from my original interview with her.
Smith is the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Pima Alliance. She earned
her degree in Public Administration Policy from the U of A. Soon, I will be able to better give a description of what it is she does, but I know she works in the field of public policy advocacy and helps business to obtain permits and navigate regulations.
I am so
glad that I will be able to work with her because in my interview with her she
mentioned on her own a lot of the core issues that I want to focus on for my
project. Unlike some of the women I talked with, she was comfortable saying
that she believed being a woman has affect how she must act and conduct
herself. She believes women have to work harder in order to gain credibility.
She works in a male dominated field where there is about a 4 to 1 ration of men
to women. Because of this, she has often been the only, or one of the only
women in meetings. She told me that often she has spoken up and been dismissed,
only to have the same idea considered when suggested by a man. She believes
tenacity is how she and other women gain their credibility. By continuing to
show up for those meeting, by producing tangible success, they buildup their own
credibility and reputation.
shocking thing she shared with me was that just 4 years ago, she was told my
her mentor she shouldn't say she couldn't make an early morning meeting because
she had to get her kids off to school. He told her that it made her seem weak.
This hits on a really important factor of my project: it is all about your
went on to tell me about how she has had to change her own body language in
order to be taken more seriously. She has had to work on her handshake, how she
sits in a chair, how she behaves while listening. I will be taking note of all of these things
when I start work Wednesday and I will be sure to post about everything I